Search for Assisted Living and Alzheimer's Care by Price
Price is a major factor in an assisted living decision for most families. Until now, cost information has been difficult to obtain. Use the interactive map to find options by price range and location. Select and filter to create a list of assisted living or Alzheimer’s care residences in your budget and desired location.
Your List:
Click on community names on the map to add them to this list
Cost Filters:
Cost Data:
State Avg: N/A
County Avg: N/A
State Min.: N/A
State Max: N/A
How Best to Use this Tool
Finding the right assisted living residence for your loved one at a price you can afford is a challenging process. We recommend taking the following steps:
Find multiple assisted living residences within your price range and desired location.
Do not contact them directly, instead contact an Assisted Living Placement Agency. Doing so will help your family:
-Save money by getting access to information that can help negotiate.
-Get additional information that will further refine the list of residences
-Save time by limiting the number of residence tours
-Limit the number of phone calls and sales pitches one must endure
Work with the Placement Agency to manage the process, schedule tours and ultimately make a decision.